This artwork is created by illustration artist Lay Hoon, also known as Arty Guava, who is born and raised in Penang, Malaysia, and currently residing in Vancouver, Canada...
Laura Lhuillier is an illustrator and designer based in
France. She grew up in a village surrounded by forest where she
developed a strong attachment to nature...
Maggie Stephenson is an artist and illustrator who was born in Poland,
raised in Germany, and currently based in Florida, USA. Her work is
influenced by...
Joanne Ho is an illustrator from Auckland, New Zealand. She loves to
paint colorful and fun scenes that depict places she would like to be at
the moment...
Nora Dong is an illustrator who is originally from Guangzhou, China, and
currently based in Los Angeles, California. Her inspiration comes from
feminine, fashion...
Lele is a digital artist and photographer based in Munbai, India. He
uses images as a medium to create dreamy fantasies with extraordinary
Marina Ester Castaldo Marina Ester Castaldo is an Italian designer and
illustrator currently based in London, UK. Born and raised in Naples,
the south of Italy...
Andhika Ramadhian is a digital artist and photographer from Indonesia.
He is known for his iconic artistic approach of creating images that
depict surrealism...